At last...I can see the 1st person drawing Umar draw on his very own! Happened earlier this month. (there was 1,2 occasion Mummy tried to ask him to follow the stick man drawing that I did, but to no avail! :-P) I always wonder when can he start to draw a person, which that's what normally a child be able to draw using their memory and imagination. Like Umar's preschool teacher said, to be able to draw a person, it will require such a skill from a child, not by teaching them on how to draw it. It's by their memory and imagination. Be it stick man, with/without hand etc. Today, at the clinic! While waiting for Aqil's turn for his 1st imunisation, he wanted to have a paper and a pen to draw because there were 2 siblings age 6,7 were drawing! :-P After he didn't like what he started on the plain paper from the receptionist, Mummy gave him the doctor's notes, and asked him to draw at the back of it. Then with a bit of encouragement, he started to draw a circle, soon he said, 'hey, this looks like a rock'. 'Isn't it great to have a big rock at the park Mummy?'.. sure it is. 'So what is that rock for Umar?'... 'Mmmm...children can slide down the rock'. Soon he drew a rectangle that he claimed to be bouncy so that children will land safely! LOL Then Mummy said, 'may be you can draw somebody using it'.. Luckily he accepted my view and drew one person on top of the rock! (clap,clap,clap)..Mummy was so excited to see it! :-) Then that person has another friend at the bottom of the rock, but soon he claimed this person is actually the father because he's tall! LOL And he drew another person who he claimed as Mummy who's waiting for the child on the rock to slide down and waving at the child! LOL
'So how's the park that day Umar, is it nice weather there?'...''s a sunny day so children can play all day long' LOL so Umar drew the sun! Eventually he thought that the rock is too high so it needs a rope to climb up, and an arch to get thru it! LOL So there is Umar's 1st drawing of person! Well done Umar!..
hi.. my 10months son is also Umar.. Wan Umar Zharif in full.. keep in touch!
wow..cantik umar lukis... hassan pun baru reti lukis org lidi je..hehhe
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