Umar always claimed he's a big brother (he'll be 5 in 25days!) and wanted to do things by himself. Since Mummy got 3 to look after, I let him do/try things on his own. Eg he can get ready by himself now, from brushing teeth, shower to putting on clothes. He can get his own breakfast, that is cereal with milk. One day, he poured juice for himself (normally i asked him to do it on the floor, in case it spills (it happened!:P), then Zaky wanted it too. So Umar helped to pour for Zaky too. Then Zaky wanted more after he finished his. Mummy told Umar to just give him a little bit more.
Umar, "I'll give him one drop".
Mummy, "I think 3 drops is ok"
Then I saw Zaky bringing his cup with more than half cup full! :-0
"Umar, Mummy said only 3 drops"
Umar, "That is 3 drops!" LOL
On a different occasion, it was a field trip day to a Nature Reserve for Umar's school. It was when Aqil's only about 6wks old, so I wouldn't want to bring him in the woods. Therefore, Ayah brought Umar for the trip. Before he left the house, he asked Mummy,
"Will there be a geizer there?"
Mummy was surprised he used the word geizer, and so I asked him what is geizer and where did he learnt it from.
"Geizer is something that shoots out hot water" "And I learn it from Jay-Jay The Jet Plane"
At least he got something from watching too much television! :-) :-P
On a different day Umar, Mummy & Zaky having our meal. Umar suddenly brought up a subject of a family. Umar said,
"One day I will have my own family like you Mummy"
Mummy ???
"You marry Ayah. Who will I marry?"
Mummy, "A girl that you like"
Umar, "You mean like Antonia..?.."
Mummy, "yes.." Antonia is a very sweet, polite girl in his class. Umar onced poured sand on her long hair, and she was all ok! did not cry! And she always talked/asked teacher Mary lotsa of questions but on her own!.. A very good girl! yeah Umar, I don't mind if it's Antonia.. Hahaha.. LOL
One day Umar was playing games from one of his websites (eg NickJr, PBSKids etc), and a spaceship goes through Milky Way galaxy. And he said,
"I bet there's a lot of milk there.." LOL
On a different day, he decorated his scooter (yes, we play scooter in the house! and sometimes bring it outside) with whatever he can found in the house. And he came to Mummy with the scooter and said,
"Look how I customized the scooter!"
sometimes it surprised me the vocabulary that he has, and we never thought a 4yr old can use those words.
And today, while having lunch. Umar said,
" Mummy, why don't we buy the x-ray machine and see what's happening when the food goes to our stomach. We can see what's happening inside our body"
Mummy, "I think it costs us too much to buy that Umar, probably tens of thousands, which we can buy a car with that money..and bla, bla, bla..." mummy pun explain nyer sampai ke visiting doctors, hospitals, they charge us x-ray fee etc etc. LOL
*Mummy put some key word notes on a piece of paper to be able to remember some of those moments of his speech. Until one day I have a bit of spare time like this to write it down for our family memory, and now Aqil started crying! gtg....
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