Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Zaky at 22 months

Just received e-mail fr BabyCentre.co.uk to remind this hands-full Mummy that our 2nd boy, Zaky is 22 months today. And this is excerpt for the topic,

Sets Goals.
Your toddler will begin to have very particular ideas about what he wants to accomplish, such as pushing his car down the path or fitting together all the pieces in a puzzle. The outcome will be important to him. He will be pleased when he's successful and frustrated when he is unsuccessful.

Ooohhh...I remember his everyday plays involve around this. He can fit Thomas' rail tracks together! it was to our surprise that one day he did it until it goes outside the room! he just continue as long as he likes! Hahahaha...He tried puzzle (Umar's) on his own..although it's not right, he was happy with it! hahaha...(at least he got the idea!), He mastered shape sorting puzzle. His favourite is lining up his hotwheel's cars together, can be up to 8 vehicles at one time, nicely arranged! :-) And lots more other interesting things for this toddler! Well done Zaky!

On the language part, he can do 2 word sentence..most of it still with his 'pelat'..so cute, that we have to translate them ourselves! Hahaha...He knows lotsa animals and how they sound (he got it most at his 'song time' with Ayah at his bedtime..he will go, "Song, song.." then Ayah asked what song do you like? He will say, "Fish.."
"1 2 3 4 5, Once I caught a fish alive..6 7 8 9 10, the I let it go again...,...." (Americans don't know this, British do!..) And the Old McDonald song, he will choose what animal, and making the sound with Ayah.. (he also knows turtle, hippo, frog(1st animal that he recognised!), alligator..and duck of course! :-)

And also to our surprise, he can count (or rather say!) 1 to 5!, after that jumbled up..up to 10. But at least he always use 1,2,3 to count things! Good Zaky!.. He knows some colours, sometimes he got it right, sometimes he says whatever he likes! Hahaha... he recognised simple shapes too. Other words are aeroplane (air-pane), helicopter (coper), fire truck (fa-yer!) yeah, a number of these vehicles he encountered here! everyday! hehehe... and not to forget his old time favourite, until today.."Taxi!" he got it from our S'pore holiday last year! Until now whenever he sees cars, he will likely say taxi!..Hahahaha...
Nowadays when he heard any sound that's not familiar, he will say," What's that?" or rather u hear 'wat-thet?"...hehehehe.. Also another phrase of his is, "Watch Out!!"..(with full facial expression!) he must have got it fr any of children's programme on tele! :-P Other funny one is "Find you!" to people and things! His blankie as usual.."Bankie, bankie.. r.... u....?.." (where r u? with leeenngthhy echooo...hehehe...) then when he found it, after searching the whole house!.."Find you!" or u may hear "Find-ju".. Hahahaha... :-) So funny to see Zaky using "find you" to basically anything!..Hahahaha.. :-)
Another thing, He always pulled you to the kitchen for food! And choosy!! Urrghhh..:-P Never said please..but always say "Te-ku" (thank you!)... Good boy Zaky!
And he can interact well especially at playing computer games with Umar. It's so funny to see esp. when Umar asked him what does he wants to choose for his car colour, wheels, pattern etc at hotwheels car games. He will say the colour, then Umar tried his best to scroll thru, asking him each of them..and Zaky will say a different colour fr what is shown...and until the last choice, Umar will ask, "Is it this one Zaky?" And Zaky will go... "No..".. Geleng kepala si abang Umar!.. :-) Hahahaha..

Lots more funny, interesting things with Zaky... Guess this story sums up our 22 mth old toddler that is growing each day, becoming smarter each day... And more cheeky! Like to tease you! (running away with yr things etc!) Zaky..Zaky.. :-) We all love you dearly..

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