After birth pain & contraction...Hardly heard Mums talking about this. And I just knew from chatting with nurses at the hospital. The more numbers you give birth, the more after birth pain & contraction you will get! It's because the uterus works/contracts harder to get it back to usual size. No wonder.. And of course I do experience this, for this 3rd child is the worst!..At least during labour, u can opt for epidural. But after birth only the pain killer, which u can still feel the contraction pain! So much pain!..(sabar..) And also since I had forcep delivery the soreness at your pelvic area...Aarrgghhh...My gynae sister said it's the forcep tool that give abbrasion to the inside of vagina! I felt all these pain, soreness.. However this time I only got a bit of episiotomy cut. Thanks to Dr Simpson (male gynae). Naz said he's very good, even comparing to my previous female gynae when we had Zaky (I got 4th degree tear then!:-P)
2 days at the hospital after delivery...then Mummy&baby can come home. Our first ride in the car with baby Aqil, altogether 6 of us, with Aunty Nun, that flew fr S'pore to give Mummy a helping hand for 3 mths! Thank you Aunty Nun! Thank you so much!..:-) Umar was willing to sit at the back row, so excited that the new baby's coming home. Every few minutes, asking Ayah to drive slowly, in case baby's not comfortable if it's bumpy ride! Hahahaha....
And I remember his 1st conversation with baby Aqil at the hospital...He was looking at baby Aqil and said,
"Soon you will have a set of teeth like me Aqil.."
On 5th day, Baby Aqil's 1st appointment to see paediatrician. First time for Mummy to get the bottle for him to pack his milk, breast milk! As usual, my milk is already over flowing, so it's handy to get them in the bottle for going out. This is just in case of situation of not the right place, and time (I need at least 20-30mins for a session of breast feeding!)
He's all well except for jaundice. Umar&Zaky both got jaundice for about 4 wks when they were born. So straight to the lab for blood test (it seems like we r used to this before with Zaky!). Doctor called and the results was 16. It was high but less than 20, so doc advised baby to be put under sun ray 4 times a day. Unlike Zaky before, we gotta go to clinic every 3-4 days for another check up on jaundice. Ohh..we forgot to ask for circumcision. Zaky had circumcision at the hospital, but new recommendation is to do when baby is about a week old. So we got baby Aqil's circumcision appointment on his 9th day.
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