(Just got back here to this Blog after more than 6 mths! even forget the logging in name+password! After all, I think it's best blogging at blogger, not at Space! :-P)
And the two boys are growing day by day..
Umar is now 3 yrs 7 mths and Zaky 8 mths. It's amazing watching the changes/development time by time... A baby, I have seen and experience one when I had Umar.. But Zaky cries so loud!! unlike Umar.. Zaky sleeps a lot less! than Umar when Umar was baby.. Or may be Umar slept so much when he was baby!
The big brother that fascinated Mummy..
Looking at Umar now and 6-7 mths ago... Mummy can see that he can do a lot more now. How much a child can learn in 6 mths time! (This is a child not going to school (Umar just started 2 weeks ago..) and no schedule whatsoever at home! Just trying to teach him whenever there's opportunity in whatever he do!) He can read better..I was surprised sometimes he reads fast! Especially familiar story books. At 3rd b'day he can only write letter A. Now he can write lots of letters, although not all of them. Months ago, he surprised Mummy by writing Thomas's name (with a chalk on the pavement at a playground)all by himself - Mummy only explained to him how to do the letters e.g. T-you do line from up to down, then on top a line from left to right, M-you make a line go up, then down, then up then down again, S is like a snake. So Thomas is the first full word he ever written in his life!
After a few days he's interested to write his own name, which he can do it, except for distorted R at the end..
Alhamdulillah...Thanks to Allah..I really did not put much effort on these stuffs... The essential in early learning..for life!
At 3 yrs old he can read Al-Fatihah & Al-Ikhlas, now he can also do An-Nas (he said surah with Ayah's name!) and Al-Falak. Alif-Ba-Ta, he's familiar with about 13 arabic letters now, Alif to Syim. He did A-i-u, Ba-bi-bu..but Mummy not sure how much has he got that.. (Mummy still forgot to take out Iqrak! Lupa mana letak!!)
Last weekend at Majlis Tahlil in LA, first time ever.. Umar sit down with Ayah all the way thru baca Yassin and all in Tahlil..Until the closing doa. Alhamdulillah... Our friends know how playful, energetic, and susah nak dgr kata si Umar ni!! (so far..But Mummy doa he can listen more to us soon!!!! Amin..) And he can do the Tahlil with us.. Of course with 'umpan'lah.. Ayah said he can get a present if he stayed throughout-of course few times he's asking.. "Are we done yet..?" Kuat2 pulak tu!.. There's about 20-30 adults for the Majlis, and children were playing around.. He was excited when reciting Al-Fatihah, Al-ikhlas, An-Nas, Al-Falak coz he knows them.. Also when 'La-ila-ha-illa-Allah..he did it like adults, nodding the head and all... Mummy doa Umar will be anak soleh for us... Amin..
And for that he asked a present of Hot Wheels... It's ok whatever he wants coz we r so happy that he joined the Tahlil throughout. So next day, went to the shop as promised. We thought he's gonna choose the one that he showed us from the internet (he browse himself..as always..). At the shop, he told Ayah.. "I don't want that Hot Wheels with racing machine because that is for my 4th birthday." (yeah..whenever he saw that Hot Wheels racing machine on the computer, he will want to show Mummy and said Can I have that for my 4th b'day..? Mummy will say...Yes, of course..if you are a good boy.) And he chose the 94 cents! Hot Wheel van instead!
And few days back.. he surprised Mummy by doing the 1st puzzle that Mummy ever bought him (like 1.5 year ago!) all by himself. It was quite a challenge for a 3 yr old. It's a 25 piece puzzle. He nearly got bored before finishing it few times.. But Mummy encouraged him, and Alhamdulillah..eventually he did it all by himself. I told him..Good boy don't give up..They try and try...And he told Ayah exactly the same words when Ayah came back from work that day. Everyday Mummy try to make him do something to surprise Ayah.. be it anything Art, projects, writing..and this works with Umar. Tapi ada hari taknak buat ape2 pun ada.. And he got weekend like us too..Outing, relaxing..
Mummy & Ayah doakan Umar menjadi anak soleh, cerdik-pandai... Aaminnn.. And Zaky too!!
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