Of 4 different occasions:
1) Mummy was getting Zaky ready, putting on lotion, cream (all sorts!), nappy..., While Umar was next to us with Zaky's lotion on his hand and applied it on his feet. Mummy just watching him and told him not to use to much. He massage his feet with the lotion, and after he finished he said, "Now I fixed my bones."
Mummy, "Ha?..." What is it? What did u say?.."
Umar, "I already fix my bones in my feet"..
Mummy, "How do you do that?.." Mummy already know what he meant, lotion did the job...but curious to know how he's gonna explain it.
Umar, "When I put the lotion, my bones are getting better, I fix it." (Mummy thought so...Hahahaha.....)
2) Zaky in the bath playing with the water in pail and the toys. Mummy left him for a minute to check something in the kitchen. When Mummy's back..Umar was there and he said, "I water Zaky so that he will grow." (budak..budak..)
Mummy then replied, "I think Zaky's not a plant Umar, he needs food and drink to grow. We only water the plants"
3) Tiba2 terlupa lah pulak... (remember again after weeks..)
Umar pulled out the toy club from its head, and use it to play. He put parts of wooden train blocks (that got hole in it) thru the club stick, various colours and shapes. And he came to me..
"Mummy I'm cooking kebab.."
Mummy,"What kind of kebab is that?.."
"It's fruit kebab...Which colour you like Mummy?.."
Mummy, "The yellow one..what fruit is that?.."
"I think it's lemon. Good choice Mummy, it has vitamin J,K and L" (hahahaha....)
When we talk about food and their vitamins and what it is for, he always ask other vitamins than the usual ones, A,B,C,D,E.
I think he still assume vitamins are from A-Z!
Umar, "I want to keep this for Ayah when he comes back from work.."
4) We were doing some colouring together in Thomas Colouring book. And he was colouring the moon with blue crayon. So Mummy asked him, "Why your moon is blue Umar?"
Umar, "When the white moon did not come out, the blue moon will come out"
1 comment:
children will always say the darnest thing!!he he..
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