Friday, December 8, 2006


2.00pm Dec 8 2006 The beginning of Cerita-Mummy Blog. With izin Allah Mummy will write about the upbringing of my 2 sons (to date!). Umar was born on August 10, 2003 in Reading , UK. Made in Switzerland :-P. And Zaky born in San Diego, California on June 29, 2006. Made in UK :-P
Why this Mummy intend to blog? For Umar & Zaky to read how hard it is being Mummy! Hahahaha.. And probably can share experience with other Mothers out there. Until the next available time to blog again..


Muna said...

hi kak zie,

congrates on your new blog..
can't wait to read many more
stories of you and your little
sons there di perantauan..

yes, its really tough being a mommy
let alone u'r in other people's its far way challenging kan...takpe..take it as all these are among obstacles Allah gave to u and the boys to be much tougher person in life...
all the best to u and family..

last but not least,
happy blogging..

i'll be visiting your blog
and reading of many more stories
of yours..:)


ps:got to know about u from mrika's..heard u'r ordering her!she's a really good painter.

zie_naz said...

Thanks Muna!

zie_naz said...

Thank you Mika! Naz teased me, Umar..Mummy Got-Blog (say it fast, sounds like Goblog!Hahahaha...)