Friday, December 8, 2006


Zaky had late dinner tonight as he had late lunch coz he had a looong nap today, longest so far! About 4 hrs! Can you do that at night time Zaky? Give me a bit of better sleeep..? And while he's at his 2nd last spoon of his wholewheat&banana cereal (pasal Mummy malas nak defrost broccoli&cauliflower&carrot) suddenly he turned his head and Zzzzzz... I can't help myself from smiling and laughing...Hahahahaha..Don't babies make us smile?..:-) And we saw Zaky's first teeth is coming out this evening! He's only 5 mths and 1 week old! During Umar's time, he was 6 mths when he got his first teeth.

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