Tuesday, August 21, 2007

of Monosodium Glutamate

Could not make it to prepare pasta soup on time for Umar's lunch...(yeah..sometimes Zaky took Mummy's time more than normal!..:-P)..so Mummy just prepared him the instant vermicelli of Ayah's favourite, also becoming the family's favourite-fried onion flavour. Put half of the 'perencah' for this toddler..
While eating it, Mummy asked him to have some. So I told him, one packet is too much for you. What he answered..?..

"Why Mummy?..Is it if I finished them all, it's going to be too much MSG?"

Terkejut jugak Mummy dengar... Just once the other day, may be I just told him that we should not eat too much instant noodles coz they all got MSG, and MSG is not good for our body.
So what you said will me reminded back!..hahahahahhaa...:-)


Muna said...

so cute!!
so smart your little fella..
but yeaa..i always tell my adam too in a 'leter' mommy way like, 'u know u can't eat this...it has MSG yada yada..no good yada yadaa..'..but being 2 1/2 yrs what does he knows la kan..then he goes, 'adam like M.S.G la! err..whatt???! ish ish..my son nih..

IreneYaya said...

Kak Zie, found your blog...so smartlah your son! It reminded me when I was in Ikea that day I overheard a boy was telling his mom "Mommy, why you eat hotdog, it's unhealthy you know!" then he mumbled...the mom had to buat kewl je...nodding to everything he said.. hihihi

Re: Tudung cream and Light Choc tu Kak Zie nak order yang plain ke? Last time my friend pun ada order byk yg plain...Nnt I check the stock, if Kak Zie confirm nak, Irene beli dulu k?

dbab said...

yalah..he knows when to use the 'msg' word..ha ha.. very smart!