On his 3rd birthday, Mummy realised that this boy has not started on potty training yet! Unlike his brother that a week before his 3rd birthday, he's off diaper, but with lotsa accidents for the next year! year! :P hehehhe.. So for our 2nd, Mummy decided to wait until he's ready, but he did not show any sign of that except for demanding to use nappy whenever we asked him to use pull ups!, let alone underpants :P So a week after his 3rd birthday, on one fine day, Mummy got the chance to help him to change his nappy, and I got the idea and told him,
"Zaky, we are running out of nappy. We forgot to buy nappy, they are all at the shop. I only have this underpants. Hey I got two that u can choose, one is the star and the other one is the car. You can choose which one you want to wear."
Then he answered with his grumpy face, "No! I want my nappy! Nappy is good. No underpants!" Yea, Zaky, with his strong opinions, always! Then I thought for a second. Well, I will leave him to think and put the 2 underpants on the floor in front of him, then I left the spot with a prayer to Allah for this potty training attempt. While I was walking down the stairs, I heard Zaky saying, " I want my nappy! I want my nappy!" I ignored and hoping for the better. After half an hour I went again upstairs but not to attend to him. I went straight to the room and in a minute I heard him, "Mummy. Can you help me with this please" while holding the star underpants. So I just said, "O.Ok. Good boy Zaky. You are a small boy! Small boy use underpants, only little boy like Aqil use nappy.(he never liked to be called a big boy. For him Umar is big boy, he's a small boy and Aqil is a little boy)"
Ops, then he said, "Can you go to Giant and buy my nappy?" LOL
"Ok Zaky, we'll see ok" Then he went away continue watching tele. I went near him and tell him, "Zaky, if you want to wee2, tell Mummy or Aunty Precy (our helper) ok?" "Don't make your underpants wet ok?" After that, with a bit wetty underpants, to full wet underpants, to wet the floor for a few times, and poo2 in underpants, on and off with on time and accidents for few days, so we decided to give him pull ups but with intention to keep it dry.
It has been about 3 weeks today and he's getting better at it. Sometimes he wanted to go potty for wee2 almost every hour! With praise and encouragement, he understood now to go to the loo for wee2, but poo2, only few times now :P
One night we went out for dinner and he drank like a full 1 1/2 glass of water. When we came back, he wanted to go to the loo every 10 minutes, but hey! he got it right..he wanted to wee2 too many times because he felt it, with too much drink! hehehehe... :-)
InsyaAllah we hope that our Zaky will be diaper free soon.
1 comment:
Good Boy Zaky..
Happy belated Birthday!!!
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