Today, when Umar was putting on his clothes, after Mummy helped him putting on some lotion; Zaky came to us still with his pyjamas and said,
"Mm-morning A-mar.."
"Mm-morning hair." Looking at Umar's hair.
"Mm-morning feet." Looking at Umar's feet.
"Mm-morning socks." Looking at Umar's socks.
"Mm-morning Mummy!"
hey..I'm the last one?... :P
That is Zaky who's 2 yrs and 1 mth old! He's a funny boy! with funny toddler's language! :-)
At night before he goes to sleep,
"A-night A-mar.."
"A-night train."
"A-night car."
"A-night truck."
"A-night Ayah."
"A-night bankie."
And whenever he accidentally bump into you, or things! when he's running or walking..
"Sowwy A-mar."
"Sowwy Mummy."
"Sowwy A-yah."
"Sowwy E-kel"
"Sowwy train."
"Sowwy car."
"Sowwy truck."
"Sowwy chair."
and many more...sometimes a few "sowwies" at one time.. Hahahaha... So funny Zaky is! :-)
If things go wrong to his cars, trains, trucks; he will come to you and said,
"O-o..'boken'.." "fix..fix.." LOL
And he's becoming more and more better in using sentences...3 word sentence. :-) Or sometimes you can just hear what's the first and last part of a sentence!
eg.."Look me Mummy.." (Look at me Mummy..)
"Where you A-mar..?.." (Where are you Umar..)
:-) Everyday Zaky will make us all smile and laugh. Thank you Zaky! :-)

aaawww ... so cute! and yea, Zaky seems very happy and funny a lil boy. though(granted, through photos) i feel Umar looks cheekier.
2nd child picks up skills faster, ey? hmm... so far la, i'm sure Zayaan started laughing and blabbering quicker than Zarif did. and her hands and feet (!!) tak leh duk diam! ada je sthg she wants to reach out to or kick at. hehe.
oh i'm totally agree with that!baby halqy meniarap masa 3mos and a few days dan skrg br nak masuk 4mos dah nak angkat2 bontot mcm nak merangkak..hafiy stat merangkak dekat setahun ..huhu
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