Today, when Umar was putting on his clothes, after Mummy helped him putting on some lotion; Zaky came to us still with his pyjamas and said,
"Mm-morning A-mar.."
"Mm-morning hair." Looking at Umar's hair.
"Mm-morning feet." Looking at Umar's feet.
"Mm-morning socks." Looking at Umar's socks.
"Mm-morning Mummy!"
hey..I'm the last one?... :P
That is Zaky who's 2 yrs and 1 mth old! He's a funny boy! with funny toddler's language! :-)
At night before he goes to sleep,
"A-night A-mar.."
"A-night train."
"A-night car."
"A-night truck."
"A-night Ayah."
"A-night bankie."
And whenever he accidentally bump into you, or things! when he's running or walking..
"Sowwy A-mar."
"Sowwy Mummy."
"Sowwy A-yah."
"Sowwy E-kel"
"Sowwy train."
"Sowwy car."
"Sowwy truck."
"Sowwy chair."
and many more...sometimes a few "sowwies" at one time.. Hahahaha... So funny Zaky is! :-)
If things go wrong to his cars, trains, trucks; he will come to you and said,
"O-o..'boken'.." "fix..fix.." LOL
And he's becoming more and more better in using sentences...3 word sentence. :-) Or sometimes you can just hear what's the first and last part of a sentence!
eg.."Look me Mummy.." (Look at me Mummy..)
"Where you A-mar..?.." (Where are you Umar..)
:-) Everyday Zaky will make us all smile and laugh. Thank you Zaky! :-)