Been a while forgetting that this blog exists...FP has taken it all I suppose. :-P
Umar is now 4yrs 4mths, & Zaky 1yr 5mths.
I can't remember to details what Umar has achieved since his last achievement on something. The latest one is he finished Iqra' 1 last weekend. Alhamdulillah..Now on Iqra' 2. We were away for 5 wks, so after coming back, we restart again. This Iqra' thing has to be a constant thing which is hard for Mummy, esp with Zaky trying on anything and everything since he started walking few mths ago. Umar decided to get his 1st GeoTrax train as a reward for finishing Iqra' 1. GeoTrax by FisherPrice, started on tele while he was away in M'sia/S'pore. When he came back, he started to hook on this new train! (While I'm writing this, Umar was saying I should write "I started to watch it at 'What's New On Demand"..) Adoii...kena ajar lah pulak apa nak tulis!!...Alhamdulillah he's better & better at reading. And today on the way walking to his school fr the car park, he was counting 1-100, then by 10s, then by 100s for the 1st time. He managed to finish 100s to 1000, and he was so proud of himself that he can count to 1000 (as he told his teacher in the class! Teacher just looked at me, and I said 100s..) Previously Teacher Mary asked him to read with her the big story book to the class, and first time teacher Mary knew he can read well. Mummy does not want to tell everybody of course..Don't let other Mums worried that their children is still learning. Of course some Mums did ask me on how he can read that early... actually earlier..:-P since he's 3 (Alhamdulillah..) But with those achievements, becoming 4 yrs old...he got lots more to say in anything and everything...It is harder to get him to do anything! Lotsa his activity, colouring, writing books been forgotten!...Hhhmm...Mummy just go with the flow. Whatever I can...for this boy to learn before he starts Kindergarten at real school in Sep 08. A number of times Mummy got frustrated as knowing he can do much more, but he doesn't want to do it. Being a preschooler, Mummy really have to be patient if I want him to learn anything. And trying to get him interested in something that we want, is not easy. It's even easier to get him interested in at 2+ yrs old!...Now I understand the parents saying that it's becoming more harder, complicated in different ways when the children getting older, and older.. (Many incidents of forcing him on reading Iqra' would make unpleasant situation to everybody! Crying and all..If he doesn't want to read, hhmmm...better try another time...kdg2 geram jugak!!..:-P)
Umar is now 4yrs 4mths, & Zaky 1yr 5mths.
I can't remember to details what Umar has achieved since his last achievement on something. The latest one is he finished Iqra' 1 last weekend. Alhamdulillah..Now on Iqra' 2. We were away for 5 wks, so after coming back, we restart again. This Iqra' thing has to be a constant thing which is hard for Mummy, esp with Zaky trying on anything and everything since he started walking few mths ago. Umar decided to get his 1st GeoTrax train as a reward for finishing Iqra' 1. GeoTrax by FisherPrice, started on tele while he was away in M'sia/S'pore. When he came back, he started to hook on this new train! (While I'm writing this, Umar was saying I should write "I started to watch it at 'What's New On Demand"..) Adoii...kena ajar lah pulak apa nak tulis!!...Alhamdulillah he's better & better at reading. And today on the way walking to his school fr the car park, he was counting 1-100, then by 10s, then by 100s for the 1st time. He managed to finish 100s to 1000, and he was so proud of himself that he can count to 1000 (as he told his teacher in the class! Teacher just looked at me, and I said 100s..) Previously Teacher Mary asked him to read with her the big story book to the class, and first time teacher Mary knew he can read well. Mummy does not want to tell everybody of course..Don't let other Mums worried that their children is still learning. Of course some Mums did ask me on how he can read that early... actually earlier..:-P since he's 3 (Alhamdulillah..) But with those achievements, becoming 4 yrs old...he got lots more to say in anything and everything...It is harder to get him to do anything! Lotsa his activity, colouring, writing books been forgotten!...Hhhmm...Mummy just go with the flow. Whatever I can...for this boy to learn before he starts Kindergarten at real school in Sep 08. A number of times Mummy got frustrated as knowing he can do much more, but he doesn't want to do it. Being a preschooler, Mummy really have to be patient if I want him to learn anything. And trying to get him interested in something that we want, is not easy. It's even easier to get him interested in at 2+ yrs old!...Now I understand the parents saying that it's becoming more harder, complicated in different ways when the children getting older, and older.. (Many incidents of forcing him on reading Iqra' would make unpleasant situation to everybody! Crying and all..If he doesn't want to read, hhmmm...better try another time...kdg2 geram jugak!!..:-P)
And Zaky...he can call "Mummy" properly now!!..since 2 wks ago. He can already call Ayah a long time ago! :-P even Umar!..Zaky basically can understand what we'r saying, & simple instructions..He talks a lot, but 99% is like in German!..So funny!..Mcm real aje...bercerita, membebel...We tend to imitate him, but we shouldn't, we should speak to him properly...Which is what we r trying now, so he can speak properly soon. I remember Umar can speak a lot more when he's at 1 1/2 yrs old. But what Zaky can say most is..."O-oo" if something goes wrong, or mostly he does it himself! :-) "Yesh, yesh".. or "No, no, no!" (geleng2 kepala mcm nak pusing kepala!) Especially the part what he wanted to eat!!.. Choosy at times...Even different type of cereals he's fussy about!..And making a mess on everything in da house!! Urrgghhhh... Ni part paling tak tahan!!!! Zaky!!!!!! Urrgggghhhh!!!...
Another thing, whatever Umar does, he would like to do the same thing. So whenever doing something with Umar, Zaky has to have about the same thing, same papers, markers, crayons.. And having Umar&Zaky now...Lotsa books are torn, toys damaged etc (Zaky lah!!!). Mummy not used to it, but now have to!...If Mummy wants Umar to achieve/learn a little something, have to let go some other stuffs been done by Zaky! Getting used to all the mess, torn papers, story books, even writing on the sofa, wall, carpet!.. Zaky!!!!!!...Arrrggghhhh!!!!....#!#!#!#
With Zaky...seemed like he does lotsa things, explore things by himself most of the time. Because Mummy have 2 to look after...It's different fr Umar when we got lots of time only for him until he's nearly 3. We hope Zaky's going to be more independent in the future.. will he?..We just wait and see. :-)
We love you Zaky..We love you Umar!..
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