1) Why do you love your brother?
Because he's a baby and he is cute and he always wakes up everytime.
??? The last part because he always disturbed Zaky when baby's sleeping, and he claimed his baby brother wants to wake up. Of course Zaky wakes up and smiles at him! Yes.. Umar is Zaky's idola. Anything Umar does, can make Zaky laugh!..
2) Are you a man? (When his fortune cookies says "Man is what he believes")
No I am not a man. I'm a children. When I grow up, I become a man. (Not too bad answer for a 3 yr old!)
3) Why do you like Thomas so much..?
Because it's so Thomassy...Hahahahahaha.. (he actually laughed! He can be so cheeky sometimes!)
4) What is best describes you? (One of the questions for Thomas create-your-own-story on the computer)
5) Umar..Do you want to go to Disneyland? (We have been asking this one now and then!)
No. I want to go to Thomasland. (As if there is one! :-P)
6) Who else live on Earth? (he learnt solar system from Zaky's baby Einstein dvd)
Luqman, the clinic, and Dr Tai. (Hahahahhaa...Zaky's paediatrician!)
7) There's nobody lives on Mars (Mummy answered when he asked me who lives there)
But there's Boing-ga on Mars. (hahahaha...Boing-gas are aliens on Mars in Backyardigans!)
8) Mummy wanted to ask few more questions, but when I turned to him...He's Zzzzzz with bagel not finished!...This is his pic!
Hehehe. This is soooo cute! So smart your lil Umar. :-) Not so lil anymore kan? Getting smarter by the day. And he looks quite tall too for his age.
Nway. Back to this entry. I love especially answers to:
Q1: he sounds like a real doting, proud big brother - like waking up for him. Sweet!
Q3: hahaha ... so classic this is. Almost like a grown-up's sarcasm.
Q6: clearly these ppl really matter to him - or at least were on his mind at the time you asked him. Cute!
Alhamdulillah and Thank you Mika. Ha,a..they grow fast. This is the time when they are cute at talking about lotsa things...Penat Mummy melayan! We thought Umar is not tall at all. His buddy Luqman is much taller! But baby Zaky is 75-80th centile for his height! He's gonna be taller than his brother!
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