Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Tantrum Thomas..

Sat-Dec 9. It's Thomas day for Umar. From underpants! trousers and shirt, and he decided to change his mind from going on the train ride (near home) to Totally Thomas store. So Ayah & Umar spent time at Totally Thomas while Mummy and Zaky went to department store next to it, which Ayah & Umar joined later as Mummy still not finished!
At the other shop, the lady asked something to Umar and called him Pumpkin as they normally call little children here. And Umar said: "I'm not Pumpkin" He always said this to whoever call him that...Hahahahaha..
"What are you then?.."
"I'm a train.." That lady can see what he's wearing and asked..
"Which train are you..?
"I'm Thomas and I can chug.."
Hahahahahaha.... Inilah Makan Thomas, Tidur Thomas, Mandi Thomas...For Umar, add another one...E-Bay Thomas! everyday checking Thomas out on E-Bay! he always ask,"Can we buy this Mummy" although he knows the answer will be No.. (with reasons that Mummy need to create! Mummies can be so creative at excuses!)For him..Nev'-mind, and will still keep asking to buy Thomas stuffs on E-Bay..:-) Budak2..
Back to the Saturday story - lunch at Sushi restaurant and for the 1st time ever Umar threw his tantrum (he's never, ever been like this before), or Mummy call it being 'kememeh' (although not many people then as restaurant is about to close for Saturday Lunch). I forgot what started it, may be chop-sticks caused it..Hahahaha..(it wasn't Hahahaha then). I just ignored it as I was concentrating on feeding lunch to baby Zaky. So Iet Ayah settled it..and as I thought it carried on, and off, and on, and off, and on, and off..(brape banyak kali daa..)

Hhhmmm....My toddler wanted more attention from his Mummy. That is what we concluded after few 'kememeh' incidents at home since last week. Mummy was at the top of her 'kesabaran' when Umar did not give up 'kememeh' to the limit..

The 1st two times Mummy tried the 'ignore' way, and still asking him nicely to do whatever he was supposed to do that he did not want to do.. Like eating his lunch! :-P.. But that did not work at all!! And what works? TLC Tender Loving Care.. My toddler needs more cuddles, hugs and kisses!!! (Tell you the truth, I'm not so good at hugs, kisses, cuddles, my kids! I gotta work on that..:P) He felt that he has not got enough TLC from Mummy, so threw tantrums to get attention. Ok, Ok, I get it..Mummy trying to give TLC to both big brother and little brother, ok. I'm a new Mummy to two! And I'm still learning... :-)


Unknown said...

ishh.. umar still holding that little piece of brochure which he brought home last February!!! Kalau laa hilang.... i wonder wat he's going to do ekk..

zie_naz said...

Umar cannot be that careful with papers like that! Hahahaha... Umar has lotsa that brochures! It comes with every Thomas toys! So Mummy keep them. Whenever one is 'koyakkk'(like Umar said!) Mummy will replace it. Handy to keep him happy! :-)